We assist training offices with implementation and management of their CA2025 training programmes. We provide training on all aspects of the training programme. We assist with compliance monitoring, implementation of training programme adjustments and external assessments.

SAICA Accreditation and Re-accreditation
Assisting training offices in complying with the process to register as a training office with SAICA. This includes preparing the application form, the required SAICA attachments, bench marking and best practice.
Assisting training offices with ensuring all required documentation is updates and readily available for re-accreditation visits. Assisting training offices with implementing SAICA Findings.

Reviewing 2016 programme and CA2025 assessment forms and making recommendations where improvement is required. We also review and assist in customizing moderation and assessment processes, evaluate the effectiveness and fairness of reviewers, evaluator/s and assessor/s, making recommendations for improvement and assist the training office in instances where trainees, reviewers, evaluators or assessors cannot reach agreement on a rating for an outcome.

Policies and Documentation
We assist training offices to maintain and keep their SAICA documents and polices up to date, including a central platform in the form of a website that hosts each training office’s required policies, documentation including company specific information.

We provide a range of training to all the assessment stakeholders including trainee induction, reviewer, evaluator training and assessment form completion training for all stakeholders.

We provide training on using SAICA’s EAT as well as assist training offices in managing their offices EAT.
We also assist and manage training offices TCMS profiles on their behalf.

We boast a strong IT team and utilise the latest technologies. We have developed our own CPD tool which we regularly upgrade with new functionality ensuring our tool caters to stand alone users as well as large entities.